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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> Assembler -> Dictionary Creation Tools
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Dictionary Creation Tools
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:21 am Reply with quote
Valuable expert
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Joined: Apr 08, 2005
Posts: 55
Location: Uruguay

; DCTl2u v0.1 (Dictionary Creation Tools) by erg0t
; -------------------------------------------------
; This program is one of many I have planed to do
; to facilitation of word dictionaries creation.
; With this program you can generate al Upercase
; and lowercase convinations of a word, starting
; from the lowercase word.
; Example:
; erg0t root # ./dic
; hola
; holA
; hoLa
; hOla
; Hola
; hoLA
; hOlA
; HolA
; hOLA
; HoLA
; NOTE: only works with lowercase alfabetic words!
; For any bug or suggesitions: ergot86@gmail.com

[bits 32]
[org 08048000h]

db 07Fh, "ELF", 1, 1, 1
times 9 db 0
dw 2
dw 3
dd 1
dd start
dd phdr - $$
dd 0
dd 0
dw ehdrsize
dw phdrsize
dw 1
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0

ehdrsize equ $ - ehdr

dd 1
dd 0
dd $$
dd $$
dd filesize
dd filesize
dd 7
dd 01000h

phdrsize equ $ - phdr

buffer: resb 0FFh
size dd 0


xor ebx,ebx
mov eax,3
mov ecx,buffer
mov edx,0FFh
int 80h
test eax,eax
je salir
not eax
test eax,eax
je start
not eax
lea edi,[eax-1]
lea esi,[buffer-1]
mov [size],eax
mov ecx,edi


test edi,edi
je start


cmp byte [esi+ecx],61h
jb sigue
sub byte [esi+ecx],20h
call print
add byte [esi+ecx],20h


loop bucle
cmp byte [esi+edi],61h
jb sigue2
sub byte [esi+edi],20h


dec edi
mov ecx,edi
jmp general


xor eax,eax
inc eax
int 80h


push ecx
xor ebx,ebx
inc ebx
mov eax,4
mov ecx,buffer
mov edx,[size]
int 80h
pop ecx

filesize equ $ - $$

Edited PD: I found a mistake in the code but now I have to go to sleep, tomorow I?ll repair the code
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:58 pm Reply with quote
Valuable expert
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Joined: Apr 08, 2005
Posts: 55
Location: Uruguay

I don?t know wtf is going on my brain, but now I can?t find the error!!!
Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused Confused
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 1:29 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: Jun 21, 2006
Posts: 9

Would this be used for cracking passwords ?

- I Know Nothing...

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:54 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Dec 01, 2004
Posts: 181
Location: Cyprus

hey man ... excelent assembly code ...but is like ..causing your self troubles.. there are a lot of tools free on the net

; erg0t root # ./dic
; hola
; holA
; hoLa
; hOla
; Hola
; hoLA
; hOlA
; HolA
; hOLA
; HoLA

you can easily use that through cain .. there is a function for testing each word with all the combinations in UPPER lower case ...

now about creating wordlists ..

why dont you use .....raptor ?


Some info about raptor ..

To create, enrich and maintain such wordlists you need a tool like Raptor that offers top-features to make your wordlist unbeatable. Different protection schemes require different wordlists - a wordlist that works with one site fails on another one because its username-password combos don't match the characteristics of the site protection. You don't need to create a wordlist for each protection scheme - just use your existing wordlist and manipulate it using Raptor's advanced and easy to use features.


* common text processing features
* working with multiple files
* option to manipulate file on disk rather than loading them in the editor
* advanced list sorting: sorting alphabetically, by word length, by username or password
* randomizing lists to obfuscate server log files
* anagrams
* splitting combo files in single lists and vice versa
* fast duplicate remover allows to use reference lists and to save duplicates
* powerful and customizable filters to remove unwanted words or combos
* customizable wordlist manipulations to enrich and enlarge your wordlists
* wordlist and URL converters
* list generators for various AVS formats and a powerful and flexible ALS list generator
* online and file password leecher
* support for Windows? XP visual styles
* and many more

Download : http://rapidshare.de/files/23714444/raptor3.zip

i am also uploading some wordlists now .. so be patient ..


who|grep -i blonde|talk; cd~;wine;talk;touch;unzip;touch; strip;gasp;finger;gasp;mount; fsck; more; yes; gasp; umount; make clean; sleep;wakeup;goto http://www.md5this.com
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Dictionary Creation Tools
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