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www.waraxe.us Forum Index -> PhpNuke -> my_eGallery exploits, trying to secure
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my_eGallery exploits, trying to secure
PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:14 am Reply with quote
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Joined: Aug 24, 2005
Posts: 5

I run a fairly large Canadian Content site called "Canada Kicks Rainbow Brite"
www.canadaka.net has been hacked many times over the last 5 years, but just in the past week or so its been hacked 3 times.

The 3 recent hacks were all simular, they added a index.html file to the site root with there hacker tag.

Each hack also did some other stuff, one managed to empty the authors table, one deleted all the site content-tables, modules and block tables.

Luckely I keep pretty good daily backups of things, so wasn't a huge problem.

But i am really wondering how they manage to upload this file to the server. Neither time it never loaded because index.php takes presidence over index.html on my server. The latest hack actualy places this index.html in EVERY www root folder of all the domains I host on my server.

Here are the latst hack index html files I saved:

At the time i was running phpnuke 7.6 and an older NukeSentinel
Today i re-installed phpnuke7.6 patched 3.1, applied my modds, and the newest NukeSentinel.

I know by looking at Sentinel i get TONS of hack attemps specialy author attacks. So it does a good job of stopping that. but this one got through.

I really want to find out how they uploaded files to the site, maybe its a server security issue and not phpnuke.

Windows Server 2003
PHP Version 5.0.3
MySQL Server 4.1

"Internet Guest Account" has only read permissions to the root folder, only "System" and "Administrators" have write permission.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:14 am Reply with quote
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I know my_eGallery has some security issues, i have looked into it in the past.

Last night i applied some more seurity fixes I found on http://www.waraxe.us I think they should stop a bunch of exploits. Like this one no longer works!!!
Says "You can't access this file directly..."

Good info on this exploit here:


But i really am stuck with my_eGallery. I have thousands of pics and thousands of commetns in it. Plus i have added a lot of custom code to it, mostly all cosmetic.

I tried hacking my own site with somre sql injection and auth attacks i found. Seems NukeSentinel is doing its job, I wasn't able to get in.

Does anyone know of how someone could use my_eGallery to hack the site? through the upload pic form? It only allows the file types I specify?

Anyone know any of the hacks i can attempt on myself to try and fix?
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:16 am Reply with quote
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I saw chatserv say this on another site:
"As far as i know MeG has not been patched and its vulnerabilities are of such magnitude that an attacker can hack any site hosted on the same server even if they are not the ones using MeG."

This is what happened to me, all my sites had a file place sin there www. So that hack atleast was probably through my_egallery.

I want to figure out how this was done and try and fix it.

I'm trying this in my php.ini as recommended here:

disable_functions = system, exec, shell_exec


I also have register_globals enabled in my php.ini, because of some older php scripts i have on some of my sites, i will try and upgrade these to I can turn this off, since everyone says its very unsafe. Can anyone explain why that is so?
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:21 pm Reply with quote
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bump Crying or Very sad
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:36 pm Reply with quote
Joined: May 24, 2004
Posts: 404
Location: Caiman

you need one upload system? only use you ftp account i not recommend upload scripts.

i look your index pages defaced, dont worry is only script kiddies boys, you talk whit you hosting for disable exec functions and check if you hosting have correct rules for close reverse connections.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:41 pm Reply with quote
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thanks for the reply, I kinda need the upload script, I get new picture submissions from visitors/members daily.

I host my own site on my rackserver, I have disabled exec functions and put php in safemode, disable globals.

what is "close reverse connections"?
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:37 pm Reply with quote
Joined: May 24, 2004
Posts: 404
Location: Caiman

i recomend read this http://www.thc.org/papers/fw-backd.htm

An intelligent hacker will not try to put the backdoors on machines in the firewall segment, because these machines are usually monitored and checked regulary. It's the internal machines which are usually unprotected and without much administration and security checks.

Stateful Filters:

Here a hacker must use programs which initiates the connection from the secure network to his external 0wned server. There are many out there which could be used:
tunnel from Phrack 52.
ssh with the -R option (much better than tunnel ... it's a legtimitate program on a computer and it encrypts the datastream).
netcat compiled with the execute option and run with a time option to connect to the hacker machine (ftp.avian.org).
reverse_shell from the thc-uht1.tgz package (see above) does the same.
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my_eGallery exploits, trying to secure
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