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Rainbow Crack
PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2004 10:24 pm Reply with quote
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im currently in the process of creating a rainbow crack table on an old computer. Its going to take days and days...but i hope to acomplish an
a-z0-9 table.
this is going to take roughly about 19 / 20 days i guess, possibly more.
but i will be sure to share with a select few.

for those of you who are unfamiliar with Rainbow Crack,
its an MD5 sort of "crack / brute force" software.

it generates itself a list such as

a= d021482sd0df90g392d292y
aa= j5hj9q723j6j2g9g800s8f24

all the way to
zzzzzzz = 2d9f82jk612j25j6k7j1

(the above MD5 hashes are just jiberish used just for this example Wink )

and it can search within 15 seconds at a sucsess rate of 90.4% and unhash the MD5.

normally these tables are available on the net but you have to pay.
this sort of material is gold Wink

anyway... its going to take a while but ill write up here my sucsess report as i go Wink

take it easy all,

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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 8:19 pm Reply with quote
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Interesting thing. Maybe i will try this in near future, when have more free time and dvd writer Smile
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Where you say?
PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 10:18 pm Reply with quote
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download yourself a copy at:

this fantastic cracker can precompute tables for such algorithms as
NTLM, MD2, MD4, SHA1 (with correct patches)
and the favorites such as: LanMan and MD5

my strong recommendations for everyone.
id go with:
a-z (upto 7 digits)
A-Z (upto 7 digits)
0-9 (upto 7 digits)

and if your really psycho:
(the above may take alot more than a few weeks Wink)

take it easy all.

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My Stats
PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2004 10:41 pm Reply with quote
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last night i started the creation of my RainbowCrack Table.
ive stated to generate a loweralpha-neumeric LM table...

my laptop could pull 100,000 of 800,000,0 per 4 mins
which in and all...took about 4 and a half hours to generate 128megs..every table is about 620megs and im expecting about 3 gig worth of tables to be created.
thats a total of 4 complete tables Wink
it will crack passwords like: blue12 fag81 orange3 poo1982 l33ta26
1-7 digits..
ill put some screenshots on later...
cya all

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 11:54 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 4

Sounds like a really interesting program so decided to give it a try, havnt heard about it before but its sort of thing ive been looking for.

EDIT: decided to see how fast/slow mine would make the tables and its pulling 100,000 of 800,000,0 every 5minutes 25 seconds so few mores days lol

Looks like great program so thanks for the links Smile
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Re: Rainbow Crack
PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2004 3:09 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 4

icenix wrote:
normally these tables are available on the net but you have to pay.
this sort of material is gold Wink

RT cracking is ideally suited for remote computing, imho

rent a server with 10-something GB mass storage and shell access
compute the tables on the server and after that it'll take seconds to find collision Smile

anyway, what else can be stored on those server HDDs' if not the rainbow tables ... pr0n then ))
and it'll take only seconds for each hash to crack.
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PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2004 2:17 am Reply with quote
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RT cracking is ideally suited for remote computing, imho

well if you had a spare computer in your room it wouldnt be that bad either..


and after that it'll take seconds to find collision

even on a 600MHZ with 250 RAM it still only takes like a Min Very Happy
thats pretty awesome. even if it took 5 mins it would be excellent..
its just the creation that takes a while Wink


if not the rainbow tables ... pr0n then

totally agree Very Happy

you really dont need 10GB at all,
a loweralpha-numeric is only about 3 GIG
and thats abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789

loweralpha is only 650meg in total..so thats not bad..fits on a CD Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2004 4:40 am Reply with quote
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Tried to get my AMD Duron 1.3Ghz powered machine to help out with generating and it does: 100,000 every 25 mins which is a big different compared to my pentium 4 running to at same time both pulling 100,000 every 5minutes
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PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2004 5:51 am Reply with quote
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heh..well im sort of in a hurry for this so i leave it on every night with a fan blowing at my computer Wink (laptop) hehe.

still...if you get the tables..burn em onto a DVD Disk.
loweralpha and alpha (LM,MD5 etc..) all pretty much dont exceed the 700Meg Limit.

loweralpha-numeric and alpha-numeric goes about to 3 GIG.. (okay for 1 DVD Disk)

i really dont recommend using an alpha-numeric...
why would anyone use just plain caps for a password?
at least not on AnyNetwork i know...
but you never know.

i think "all" which encorporates a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*etc...
is like 18 gig or something absolutley outrageous Wink
but yeah...im really a big fan of this Rainbow crack atm.
its worked for me in the past and im going to make it work again Very Happy

i hope it goes well for you like it went well for me Smile

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PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2004 11:02 am Reply with quote
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IM currently running md5 loweralpha-numeric on 3 PC's 24/7, PC's normally on all time due to one being server for a bit torrent tracker so now they got something more important to do

I dont see point or least rush in doing alpha tables cos not many sites etc allow cap passwords if im correct, maybe in future thou.

I see on some other sites there are teams that have split the job up and share the outputs to cut down on time which sounds good idea if got the bandwidth to upload/download them all

Ill be keeping mine mostly on hard drives cos i got enough space back will probly back them up on dvd just incase lol
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Anybody need LM Alpha-Numeric?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:10 pm Reply with quote
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I have the 5 complete & Sorted LM Alpha-Numeric Tables. If anyone would like a copy Just e-mail me slimjim100(at)hotmail(dot)com. I will send them to you on a DVD-Rom for the cost or the disk and shipping. The Tables are over 3 Gig so that?s why I had to put them on a DVD. I would normally share this via FTP but at 3Gig my bandwidth won't due. The disk cost is like $1.50 US and shipping depends on where you live (shipping is from the US). Or I will trade even for a complete copy of Alpha-Numeric MD5 tables. I have sent this Disk out to others on this board so just ask around. It?s nice to have the Tables but it?s a bitch to make them. They work great with RainbowCrack, Cain & Able, and LC5.

(I'm not trying to make any money off this just trying to help)
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:54 pm Reply with quote
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This is really good offer. And i will be in near future interested about getting such DVD. Maybe can even put it to ftp for public download, or will spread in emule... Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:26 pm Reply with quote
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Yea I have already sent a copy to Icenix.
Waraxe if you like I can get you a copy just e-mail me you address and as long as it's under $10 US to mail it I will just send you a copy free. Just a way to say thanks for what your doing here.

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Update to the DVD offer!
PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 7:28 pm Reply with quote
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Hey Guys/Gals,

Well I have been getting a few e-mails about the DVD offer and to help clarify the Tables I have are "LM Alpha & LM Alpha-Numeric" I'm now working on MD5 tables but it will take awhile to finish. If you want a copy of the LM Alpha & LM Alpha-Numeric them just e-mail me your address. I will check how much it will cost to send from the US and e-mail you back on the cost. I will only charge you the cost to ship and the cost of the DVD. Right now I have some blank DVD's that cost me about $1.50 US each and most counties cost about $8.00 USD for Airmail. I also plan to make LM Alpha-Numeric-Symbol this will take about 18 gigs to store so if I share this it will have to be on a hard drive. E-mail me "slimjim100(at)hotmail(dot)com if you are interested.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 3:35 am Reply with quote
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its legit Wink
i got the DVD Disk off him Wink
and i thank him ever so much for it Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy

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Rainbow Crack
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